Multi Aged and Differentiated Instruction

At Creative Kids Preschool in Bedford, NH our goal is to differentiate instruction by personalizing our curriculum celebrating the diversity of our students - their strengths, interests, talents, and learning styles - as well as their backgrounds.  The principles of multi-aged teaching, multiple intelligences, and psychological typing are our platform, project and theme-based teaching are our vehicle, and the arts provide us our voice.

The multi-aged classroom coupled with a student-teacher ratio of 6:1 affords our Creative Kids Preschool teachers with the flexibility to respond to the individual child developmentally rather than chronologically.  With the knowledge that children grow developmentally at their own pace and design - the multi-aged classroom provides our teachers with the tool to group children developmentally when needed to teach skills and to mix groupings when diversity is desirable.  Children are able to grow naturally in a classroom responsive to their developmental needs.